Summer Pistol League

Carl Boms /Randy Caruso,
Schedule/Date Time​
Starts last week in April and runs on Thursdays for 18 weeks. Practice begins at 5:30pm and the first relay starts at 6:00 pm sharp.
Member $5/Evening Non-Member $10
Matches are conducted on the 25 yard range. Competition categories consist of centerfire pistol and .22 rimfire pistol. Telescopic or Aimpoint type sights are permitted (assisted), but will be scored in a separate category from iron sights (unassisted). Laser sights are not permitted.

The course of fire is as follows: 1) Slow Fire – NRA B16 Target, 10 rounds in 10 minutes (usually much less) 2) Timed Fire Stage – NRA B8 targets, two 20 second, 5 round strings 3) Rapid Fire Stage – NRA B8 targets, two 10 second, 5 round strings.

Time permitting there will be 2 relays each evening. Shooters must shoot the same pistol throughout a relay but do not need to use the same pistol in both relays and may shoot one relay assisted and the other unassisted.

All shooting will be ONE-HANDED, STANDING. Spotting scopes are permitted. Competition is open to club members and guests; however, award eligibility is open to club members only. Full rules and regulations will be available at the match.
Firearms / Ammo
30 Rounds per relay, 60 per match, plus practice rounds as desired