As a club member with a registered email address you can obtain your 2025 membership renewal form by logging into the Members Only section of the club’s website, using your Personal Login & Password.
Your personal login is your normal email address. Your personal password is printed on the front of your badge above the badge holder slot. You must enter it exactly as shown, i.e., the first letter must be a capital. If you did not claim your badge for 2024, contact Bill Zide ( to request your personal password.
The instructions to obtain your renewal form are presented below. They can also be found on the club website under the tab “Renewal Instructions” in the “Members Only” section (after 10/1/24).
Access to renewal forms begins on 10/1/24.
Log-In Procedure
Open the club’s web page,
If your screen does not automatically display the available sections, click on the small “3 line” box icon in the top right of your screen to view the available sections. Select the + next to the line “Members Only”. This will open a tab having entries at the bottom for “Membership Renewal” and “Renewal Instructions”.
Select “Renewal Instructions” to review these login procedures.
Select “Membership Renewal” to open the login screen.
Enter your personal login & password and press enter. You can make up to 3 attempts to successfully login after which you will be locked out for 5 minutes. If you are unable to log in, contact Bill Zide at 732-208-0308 for further assistance.
Renewal Form Download
Once you successfully login. A new page, “Membership Renewal Form Access” will open with “Download Invoice” appearing below the title.
Click on “Download Invoice” to display your membership renewal form.
You will need to have Adobe Reader or an equivalent Portable Document Format (PDF) reader installed on your device to open, read and print your renewal form. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, you may download it for free from the following website,
You can use the “download” and “print” icons appearing in the upper right corner of your PDF invoice display to download/save a copy or print your renewal form.
After accessing your PDF renewal form, close the browser tab containing the invoice display page to return to the “Download Invoice” screen and click “logout” to exit the renewal form access page.
Submitting Your Membership Renewal Form & Dues Payment
Your Membership Renewal Form will be available for downloading through Dec 31, 2024. If you are unable to download and send in your renewal form by that date contact Bill Zide at 732-208-0308 for assistance.
As in prior years, you will need to add or change any missing/incorrect information, sign the renewal form and mail it with your dues check to the club’s PO box. The PO address is shown on the renewal form.
Once received by the Membership Committee you will receive a confirmation email, typically within 2 weeks, indicating that your membership renewal has been successfully processed.
All renewal forms must be received by the Membership Committee no later than December 31, 2024 without exception. If not received by that date, your club membership will automatically terminate on Jan 1, 2025.
Should you want to be reinstated, your reinstatement request must be submitted in writing and sent to the club’s PO box. All reinstatement requests must be received by January 15, 2025. You will be emailed a Membership Reinstatement Form. In addition to the yearly dues, you will need to include a $100 arrears penalty if a first time offender or a $200 penalty for a second time offender. There is no reinstatement for third time offenders.
Renewal forms and reinstatement requests received after their respective deadlines will be returned.
Contact Bill Zide, Vice President, Membership Chairperson ( should you have any questions.