Useful Links

"For Information Use Only. The appearance of links on this page is not an endorsement or recommendation by the club.”

Firearm and Hunting Organizations
National Association For Gun Rights
The National Association for Gun Rights, often referred to as “NAGR”, is the fastest growing gun rights group in America.

​NAGR was founded in 2001 as a 501(C)4 civil rights advocacy organization designed to educate gun owners about state and federal legislation that affects their gun rights. NAGR assists the growing movement of state-level grassroots gun rights organizations, as well as organizing grassroots lobbying on state and federal legislation.

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Protect Your Firearms
Gun Facts
Gun Facts
Your Guide to Debunking Gun Control Myths

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Government Organizations
New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
NJ environmental agency dedicated to the protection, management and wise use of fish and wildlife resources

New Jersey Legislature
Site for information on NJ Legislature Bills, Laws and members.

NJ Voter Registration Application
Site for NJ voter information and Voter Registration Application.

U.S. Congress on the Internet
Site for information on US Legislature Bills, Laws, & members. To write a member go to or

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Firearm and Hunting Organizations
MCR&PC does not endorse any of the following organizations, they are presented here for your convenience.

Pheasants Forever
Organization of chapters dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs.

Central Jersey Pheasants Forever Chapter

ANJRPC, Association of NJ Rifle and Pistol Clubs
Official NRA NJ state association protecting your right to own and use firearms. To promote & support firearms training, collecting, & sport activities.

CCRKBA, Citizens Committee for Right to Keep & Bear Arms
Information regarding the Right to Keep and Bear Arms including current and proposed legislation, books regarding the second amendment, and hundreds of articles.

CMP, Civilian Marksmanship Program
The CMP is a non-profit corporation chartered by the U.S. Congress to promote firearms safety training and marksmanship, especially for youth. They sell firearms, publications, equipment, and training materials. Proceeds from these sales help fund CMP Junior programs.

Firearms Coalition
Organization started by Neal Knox. It supports: the Second Amendment, and CCW laws; and tries to supply the latest firearm alerts about court rulings and legislative actions in the US.

GOA, Gun Owners of America
Gun lobby in Washington, trying to protect your second amendment rights in the US.

IDPA, International Defensive Pistol Association
Organization to promote a sport using practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated "real world" self-defense scenarios.

NRA, National Rifle Association
Organization trying to teach firearm safety, protect second amendment rights, and run competitions.

NRA ILA, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action
The "lobbying" arm of the NRA trying to protect second amendment rights.

NJOA, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
Volunteer citizen's non-profit PAC organization site to advance and defend hunting, fishing, and trapping in New Jersey.

NJSFSC, New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen's Club, Inc.
Organization of Chapters of member sporting clubs and individuals to promote conservation policy in NJ. This is through: conservation education; resource management; hunting, fishing, trapping and firearm law reform; animal damage control; and pollution control. See also MCFSC, Monmouth County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs , our chapter.

SAF, Second Amendment Foundation
Organization trying to protect your second amendment rights

SASS, Single Action Shooting Society
International organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting.

United States Shooting Team for the Olympics
Olympic Training Center, 1 Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Phone: 719-866-4670

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Goods and Services
MCR&PC does not endorse any of the following organizations, they are presented here for your convenience.

Everything you need to work on guns. 800-741-0015 Fax: 641-623-3896 Brownells, 200 South Front Street, Dept. CAB, Montezuma, IA 50171

Cabela's general sporting goods supplier. Free catalog 800-810-0356 Retail Stores 800-581-4420
General sporting goods discounter.
Colt firearm manufacturing company.
Crimson Trace Corp. provider of lasergrips. 800-442-2406
Georgia Arms, Inc general supplier of outdoor sporting goods and ammunition remanufacture.
Kimber firearm manufacturing company. 800-880-2418
Sturm, Ruger & Co., Southport, CT 06890 Firearm manufacturing company.
The Sportsman's Guide offers gear and clothing.

Taurus USA
Taurus firearm manufacturing company.
Marty Stouffer's Wild America. View video clips, download free photos and Mp3 Music, or order DVDs of the "Wild America" Series that documents the behavior of virtually every representative North American Mammal, Bird, Fish, and Reptile, as well as the Natural Wonders and Scenic Beauty of the American Wilderness.

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MCR&PC does not endorse any of the following organizations, they are presented here for your convenience.

Front Sight Resort
The resort for self defense and personal safety training. Ignatius Piazza, Front Sight Resort's Founder and Director, created Front Sight: To be the best defensive training facility for personal safety. Gun Training, Martial Arts, Edged Weapons, Contact Weapons, Defensive Driving, Executive Protection, Children and Youth Safety Courses that more than satisfy the expectations of every student, regardless of the student's prior experience. Take one course at Front Sight Resort, whether a firearms training course or any of our other world class training programs, and you too will understand why students travel from across the country and return again and again for more of the "Front Sight Experience."

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